I have a fun tip to make your hot chocolate even better than it already is! Have you ever tried the hot chocolate that already comes flavored? Like Raspberry or Amaretto, blah blah blah. I think they're nast. My dad says like he likes his hot chocolate "straight" and I guess I do too. But on New Year's Eve, I discovered something wonderful!
Put a drop of one of the following doTERRA essential oils in...
Wild Orange
You will die from happiness.
You can also go gourmet and mix the oil into your whipped cream then add that in. :)
OR you can go uber gourmet and do hot chocolate Italian-style with Ice Cream. Add the oils on top of the ice cream, pour your coco on top and you've got heaven in a mug, people.
Happy and healthy eating!
P.S. I do not ever recommend using ANY BRAND of essential oils internally or topically, EXCEPT doTERRA. You can find out why here: http://www.everythingessential.me/AboutOils/CPTG.html
If you're interested in learning about self-healing with the things that God gave us, please contact me. If you're interested specifically in doTERRA essential oils, you can contact me or visit this site. http://www.mydoterra.com/alexandriarowley/
(If you live in Utah consider not ordering from the website, depending on where you live, I can give you wholesale price instead of retail! :) You're welcome)