This is another interesting article I thought I'd share because I love Olive Oil and use it every single day. Thankfully, Kirkland Organic (Costco) is safe!
Toxic rapeseed and other low-grade oils with additives are being passed off as olive oil. (Click here)
Safe and happy eating!
I was sent to your site by Lindsey of The R House. I love your adoption story, and have a question for you…
ReplyDelete“Or so she says…” has long been a proponent for adoption and foster care. In the coming month, I will be launching my new Adoption and Foster Care page. I am looking for any blog posts, written by women ‘who know,’ to be featured on that page, and possibly the homepage of the blog, as well.
If you are willing to share any of your blog posts about adoption on that page, could you please send me the links to those posts? Also, if you would like to have some of them considered for a front page feature, please include a photo of yourself (with or without fam) and a paragraph about yourself, to blend into the top of the post (written in first person.)
Also, if you know any other women or blogs that are willing to participate to help promote adoption/foster care, please share!
DeleteI apologize profusely for the delay in my response. It has been a long time since I have been on my blogs, I need to be better about that. Thank you for the sweet words, I am quite lucky. I love my adoption story too. :) You are absolutely welcome to use my adoption post, although I have only written one. The link to it is
And if anyone wants to contact me, you can tell them to contact me on facebook at
I hope your site is doing wonderfully, it looks good to me. :) If you need anything, please let me know.